
January 14, 2025

A crown is a form of indirect restoration that is made in dental laboratory by qualified ceramist. A crown is a cap that is placed over a tooth to restore the compromised tooth structure functionally and/or esthetically. It is held in place by dental adhesive or cement. 

dental crowns before and after

Dental Crowns

Made By Qualified Ceramist

Combination of Metal and Ceramic

Made from Plastic, Ceramic or Metal Alloys

A crown is a form of indirect restoration that is made in a dental laboratory by a qualified ceramist. A crown is a cap that is placed over a tooth to restore the compromised tooth structure functionally and/or esthetically. It is held in place by dental adhesive or cement.

What Are Crowns Made From?

A range of materials are available for crown fabrication. They can be made from plastic, ceramic, or metal alloys. A combination of metal and ceramic is also possible to maximize strength and replicate the appearance of natural teeth.

At KDIC we provide our patients with top-quality crown materials such as Porcelain, zirconia, Emax/ lithium disilicate, porcelain fused to metal, and full metal crowns as per the patient’s needs.

How Are Crowns Made?

Firstly, a thorough clinical examination is conducted with radiographs by the dentist. Assessment for the provision of crowns is done after which any preparatory work is carried out. At this stage, we provide the patient with a complete treatment plan, discuss the available materials for a crown, match the color for the prosthesis, and decide in the best interest of the patient's needs. We also advise on other concerns that you may have at this stage.

At the next appointment, the tooth is prepared for crown fabrication. The tooth size is reduced/ trimmed (usually under local anesthesia) to create the space required for crown placement. Following trimming, the margins and tooth structure are evaluated thoroughly prior to impression making. The putty impression is then sent to a laboratory where skilled technicians and ceramists will fabricate the crown according to the notes provided by the dentist. Meanwhile, a temporary crown is made on the chair side and fitted onto the trimmed tooth.

At the final appointment, the temporary crown is removed and the tooth surfaces are cleaned. The trial for the fabricated crown is carried out on the tooth to check whether it fulfills its purpose functionally and esthetically. Lastly, the crown is cemented onto the prepared tooth with dental cement.

Take Home Message

Crowns are made of inert materials that do not depreciate over time and can last up to years. However, the underlying tooth is still prone to decay and gum disease. Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular checkups are required to sustain the quality and longevity of the crowns. Moreover, the ceramic on the surface may chip or fracture therefore avoid chewing excessively hard substances like ice or bones.

Kensington Dental & Implant Centre

Address: 9-A, Street 16, F-7/2, Islamabad.
Phone:  051-8733051
Email Address: khurrambabar.kdic[at]

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